The Griffin, founder of Tart

"And so, mankind triumphed, the sages ruled the people again, the earthly cities prospered again, and the belief in the one God was practiced again all over the world. And the All ~ civilization again prospered."

 Griffan was one of the Nonos who did not join the corruption of his brothers, and took refuge in the mountains, where he fell in love with Ellen, the Dacian.  After the fall of atmospheric cities, it gave rise to the Tart Empire (joy in allane language), which was one of the last advanced world empires before official human history, and its descendants gave origin to the allans peoples.

 Griffan expanded his empire to the entire land, in a multilingual empire that covered several peoples, but the capital of his empire spoke the Dacian language of Ellen, which gave rise to all languages ​​today called Latin.  But, after some time, there was a great fall from the skies, almost everything was destroyed, with all civilization and knowledge lost.

 And humanity returned to the darkness, with the passage of centuries some remnant peoples of Tart, who remembered the old myths, began to expand giving rise to new kingdoms and an empire.

 But, later, an obscure religion came which, when it became official together with an emperor, decided to rewrite the whole history in their own way, covering up all technological history and the "pagan myths" because they were too dangerous to their power.
