Refuting the 4 arguments of Atheism
In our religion, there is no conflict with atheism, standing out as one of the few beliefs in which an atheist can practice and still be considered a believer. The peculiarity lies in the fact that, in our view, faith is not necessary to experience it, as religion transcends to become philosophy and culture. However, in the face of attacks from some materialists, it is imperative to address some considerations.
Generally, we identify two types of atheists: the natural, who grew up in environments indifferent to religion, such as in some communist or Asian societies, and the ex-religious, coming from religious systems.
While the first type of atheist respects religious people and even participates in culturally religious ceremonies, the second, the ex-religious, often becomes a militant who constantly proclaims his atheistic position, promoting it with fierce fervor and attributing to religion the responsibility for all the evils in the world.
The arguments of this militant atheism are centered on points such as: the fear of death, human suffering, religious errors and crimes, and the supposed intellectual superiority of atheism.
Although such arguments may shake some beliefs, they have no effect on shaking our religious experience. When we respond to each of them:
1. The fear of death is refuted by the perspective of our religion, which views death as a phase of existence, without fear of punishment after death. Religious practice is based on the appreciation of life, the contemplation of reality and harmonizing with something perfect within us, disregarding the unfounded claim that we are religious out of fear of death. Death is just another phase of the human experience like childhood, old age and nonexistence on earth.
2. The argument about human suffering is considered simplistic, compared to the erroneous view learned by atheists in their former religions. Life on Earth is perceived as a stage of learning and evolution, where humans have the ability to improve the world. Religion is seen as the beginning of a revolution to create a wonderful world. We reject the idea of a good deity who has to solve all our problems, a kind of genie in a lamp who must bow to our desires or solve all our problems.
3. Regarding the errors and crimes of some religious people, we emphasize that demanding perfection from all religious people is unfair. The blame does not fall exclusively on religion, as fanaticism is present in several ideologies, including atheistic ones such as communism, nationalism and scientism, which have also resulted in crimes against humanity.
4. Finally, the supposed intellectual superiority of atheism is challenged, rejecting the dichotomy between science and religion. Religion is recognized as a fundamental contributor to civilization, from the beginnings of cave painting, medicine, schools to the creation of rules and organizational principles of civilization, which began with shamanic religious leaders. And there is no supposed superiority in being an atheist, with many scientists being full members of various religious communities.
This text succinctly addressed the position of Allanism in the face of atheism, offering reasoned responses to the criticisms raised. In future texts, we will delve deeper into the role of religion in civilization.
Stay in harmony!
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