One of the ways to empty the ego and strengthen oneself spiritually is the practice of fasting.

Fasting causes the body to experience limitation and emptiness, the need for something material beyond the various benefits to the body as a whole.

For me, fasting is a special moment of my practice and spirituality, and when I feel the presence of my God in a unique time where I do not need anything and I am united to the eternity of Consciousness.

There is an interesting fact is that when I spend many hours without eating, I end up with a restless mind and physical weakness, but when I am fasting it does not happen and I really do not feel hungry because it is in union with the sacred.

However, I am going to take a few steps to how to fast in our religion correctly:

1. Our fasting is not meant to be a penance or to cause suffering to please God.

Fasting for us is only a special moment of reflection, emptying, and union with Consciousness.

2. Our fasting is not something extreme, for example one should not do several days in a row, better to do once in the month, or year, once a week would be ideal, but with modern life this can be more difficult.

So do not focus on it, it's not the amount that matters, but the sincere desire to be with our God.

3. It is important not to refrain from drinking water or even tea, natural juices without sugar or chemical additives are also welcome.

4. Fasting should begin between 6 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. After this you should say a thank you for the opportunity received and eat normally.

5. None of these advices should be taken as rules, but only as recommendations, and if you feel bad while fasting, it is advisable to cut back time and even stop the fast immediately.

6. Fasting does not necessarily need to be food, you can also spend time disconnected from the cell phone, or even spend time in silence for a day, what is important is the result and how it can make you reflect and grow spiritually.

7. The practice of fasting is something personal or something that should be done with your family, you do not aim to expose yourself because of it.

8. Choose a day when you are not working or studying, and be sure that you will not be disturbed by anyone, it is necessary to have a moment of peace and introspection so that fasting has the desired effect.

9. Keep the attitude of reverence and understand the importance of being with the Divine Consciousness.

10. If possible you can fast on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the first days of our calendar months or even the neutral day that is July 2. The most revered day of our religion.

Gratitude for reading.

Aisi ~


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