No matter how you feel, just follow the harmony

Hello, there will be some moments in life when you will feel strange, sad or even depressed especially in this current situation in which we are living.

 There will be uncertainties or even concrete problems at work, with the family or in relationships and often even health problems.

 In these situations or even for no apparent reason, feelings of discouragement and pessimism will come, but you must ignore these sensations and follow the primordial harmony.

 But what is harmony, noble?

 The harmony in this case is to do what is right, it is to act in harmony with your inner character and bodily behavior worthy of a high being.

 A practical example, a dog lives in harmony with its own nature, usually they wake up and go do their dog stuff, like stretching, playing, sniffing etc. and usually they always live in joy.

 The human being also has an internal law that he must follow, as a practical example, he must wake up, stretch, stretch, exercise his mind reading good books, do physical activities and exercise his artistic gifts like playing a musical instrument or any other activity  artistic.

 You should also meditate or contemplate, be enchanted by the beauty of nature, take good care of your appearance and evolve more and more as a human being.

 Rethinking negative things is not going to get you anywhere, so ignore these feelings, because no matter how you feel, nobody cares about it, I don't care, not even God cares, just follow Harmony, do what you have to do and be honored and happy before your little existence in this reality.

 Stay in Eternal Harmony.

 Aisi ~


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